Pork Belly

Make a Booking
Client Login
Please enter your Client Log-in user name and password for access to the Special Client Booking Facility.
If you wish to cancel your booking, please enter the Booking Reference Number and your last name.
Room Assignments
Please assign your guests to their rooms. Nominate their names to each room.
You have nominated multiple rooms; please note that the arrival/departure dates and payment details must be the same for all rooms. If these details are different, please consider separate bookings.


There are so many options to choose from when dining in Kalbarri.

Enjoy fine dining watching the sunset, or start your day with breakfast in one of our riverfront cafes, maybe grab some local seafood and head for the foreshore for a picnic lunch or dinner.

Below is a selection of the amazing restaurants and food venues available.




Kalbarri Palm Resort

8 Porter Street, Kalbarri, Western Australia

 1800 819 029